Hey, I'm not sure how you got here but this stuff is now over on my Notes. I have left these posts here for now.

Text manipulation in Linux

Text manipulation in Linux

Display entire file

cat /etc/filename.txt

Show the start/head of a file

head /etc/filename.txt

Show the end/tail of a file

tail /etc/filename.txt

These commands can take an argument for an amount of lines

head -20 /etc/filename.txt

Get display a file with line numbers

nl /etc/filename.txt


Filter Text With Grep

Get all the lines containing a word, in this case output. It gets the file and then pipes that output to grep to search for the keyword

cat /etc/filename | grep output

Get 5 lines above a keyword

get this line of the file | get the top 6 lines from the line passed to it
tail -n+33 /etc/filename.txt | head -n 6

Find and replace

The s command is the substitution command Then the word in the file we want to change Then by the word we want to replace in the file The /g is for global replacement Then the location of the file Then the filename we want to use for the new file

sed s/wordToFind/wordToReplace/g /etc/filename.txt > newfilename.txt

Viewing Files

More displays one page at a time

more /etc/filename.txt
Search for keywords in a file

Less allows you to search a file

less /etc/filename.txt

In the bottom left the filename is display so enter / followed by the word

/keyword to search

To find the next occurance of the word just press n
