Hey, I'm not sure how you got here but this stuff is now over on my Notes. I have left these posts here for now.

Data provider for Laravel feature test.

Data provider for Laravel feature test.

What is A Data Provider

Instead of writing test after test for small changes, in this example to check the validation for a api request, you can instead create an array of the various possibilities.

So first up the data provider itself.

   public static function validationDataProvider(): array
        return [
            'text present' => [['text' => ''], 'text'],
            'text too short' => [['text' => 'a'], 'text'],
            'text too long' => [['text' => Str::random(257)], 'text'],

Our actual test would look something like this

     * @test
     * @dataProvider validationDataProvider
    public function a_endpoint_validation_for_various_scenarios(array $formData, string $expectedErrorField): void
        $response = $this->postJson('/api/your/endpoint', $formData);


This would test the three variations in our example here and save us writing three separate test methods out.