Protected Appends In Laravel
What is protected Appends
I’ve never come across this one in Laravel before, the protected fillable is one thats difficult not to notice with a mass exception validation error at some point but this got me curious.
So as it turns out the
protected $appends = ['latitude', 'longitude'];
Allows us to access an accessor on a model through the json response, when in blade anything like $model->customAttribute
will work but this is not the case for api requests.
So for example
public function getLatitudeAttribute()
// Retrieve longitude using the ST_Y function on the 'positions' geometry column.
return DB::table('locations')
->where('id', $this->id)
->selectRaw('ST_Y(area::geometry) as latitude')
would mean we can now access $model->latitude in our json responses as well as our view responses. Which is helpful in the example above when the field is a geometry value in postgres as it saves a db column for access to the latitude or digging through the positions data in a view.