Hey, I'm not sure how you got here but this stuff is now over on my Notes. I have left these posts here for now.

Installing and removing software in Linux

Installing and removing software in Linux

Search for package to see if its available

apt-cache search keyword

It will return a list of available software matching that keyword

Install a package

apt-get install packagename

Remove a package, this does’nt remove config files

apt-get remove packagename

Remove a package and its config files

apt-get purge packagname

To remove any packages that were brought in by a previously installed package run

apt autoremove

Updating, this isn’t the same as upgrading

apt-get update

Upgrading, This upgrades the software to the latest version

apt-get upgrade

Adding Repositories to sources.list file

The sources.list file is where all the repositories that the system will search through when looking for a package

sources.list file is located at


To add repositories just edit this file and then when you run apt-get it should find them and install, just make sure they are compatible with the type of Linux your running

Installing with git

You can get software for Linux from git, scripts etc presumably

Standard stuff, this will grab the thing

git clone github.com/urlforthingwant